This year, we are excited to be hosted by Botswana on September 23rd and 24th 2024 in Maun, under the theme Mosalagae, ‘the one who remains, to look after the home’. This caretaker role is drawn from a Setswana idiom ‘Mosalagae, molelo o se time’ which is a cautionary note to the custodian, to ensure that the fire does not die out.
photos courtesy: Onica Lekuntwane
The people of Botswana are part of an ecosystem that draws strongly from indigenous knowledge systems – inspired by culture and tradition. This year Africa Design Day Botswana was commemorated by viewing Design through the cultural heritage lens, celebrating the role of indigenous knowledge in defining the identity of Botswana’s visual story, as well as exploring how this knowledge can be used sustainably to inform inclusive problem solving, without exploiting communities.
During the event the women created design products, combining basketry craft with typography (they read MOSALAGAE). Each in-person participant got this as a souvenir and a copy of the Rebataki book, by Onica Lekuntwane.
The event featured an array of speakers across various design discipline:
Russell Kennedy, gave an important Masterclass on The International Indigenous Design Charter (inspired by Australian Indigenous Design Charter which he co-created), and is keen to assist with creating a Botswana Southern Afrikan Charter or Afrikan Design Charter.
Professor Richard Moalosi (University of Botswana) shared the ‘Motho le Motho Kgomo’ story of how Batswana came together – one man, one beast – to build the university.
Gabriel Mothibedi shared his journey with creating Nako Timepieces as a brand that celebrates Botswana’s cultural heritage.
Dr Didi Biorn (Afro Botho)– shared how she adapted the ‘Motho le motho kgomo’ slogan to Motho le motho botho’ and is using this mindset to advocate for the use of Botho/ Ubuntu as a currency.
Onica Lekuntwane shared on the Rebataki Project – upskilling artists and crafters to tell their own stories through their work, and introduce the link between Design Thinking and Indigenous Knowledge).
Thabiso Mashaba, shared on These Hands – his experience with working with indigenous communities to bridging knowledge gaps through co-creation.
Other contributors included, Kago Monageng (Founder: I heART Gabs City), Tuduetso Tebape (Founder, Nubian Seed), Pearl Lefadola (Educator/Culinary Arts Specialist), Katlego Mwale (Heritage and Architecture), Modirwa Kekwaletswe Designing a Legacy, and Dawson Ramsden (Wilderness Botswana), as well as Prof. Des Laubscher, (Immediate past president, PADI) Felix Ofori-Dartey (PADI president), and other PADI executives.
photos courtesy: Onica Lekuntwane
I was today years old, when I found out about the beast initiative. I also only realised today, that the first university in my country was opened 4 years before I was born. Going back to Dr Richie, there is a lot of disinformation, and a serious lack of documentation, even in an era when it should be easy. I am honestly so happy I stumbled into this, a lot has been sparked, and I truly hope I can contribute to all future endeavours. Thank you for this platform.
Thato Semele
— Event Participant
How do we empower street vendors by including them in the formal economy? In other words, how do we move these businesses from survivalist to thriving, secure businesses?
— Event Participant
Watch a replay of all the virtual sessions of PADI ADD Botswana 2024 and more on the PADI facebook page.